chinese qrp radio

chinese qrp radio
Chinese HB-1 by BD4RG - YouTube
chinese qrp radio
QRP Ham Radio
Roger G3XBM's Amateur Radio Blog
72 de Larry W2LJ QRP - When you care to send the very least!
Free Downloads - Programming Software for Wouxun, TYT, Baofeng,Vero,Anytone
Software Downloads - Chinese Radios.
Yes, you can use a straight key, or use a paddle with the internal keyer. I ordered one also, Can't wait to get it on the air. 73, N5RDN
Welcome! We are hams in China and shipping ham radio kits to the worldwide. This is a forum in English for Chinese QRP kits builders. You get email support and you
Low Power Ham Radio W2LJ's Blog - QRP - Do More With Less.
Simple QRP projects, 10m, 6m, WSPR beaconing, sub-9kHz and other random stuff

7N3WVM's Home Page for Homebrewers .