us per capita gnp 2009

INB per cápita, método Atlas (US$ a.
us per capita gnp 2009
List of countries by GDP (nominal) per.
The GNP (Gross National Product) per capita of a country shows the average value of goods and services produced by each person each year. This is then divided by the US GDP GLOBAL/WORLD INCOME PER CAPITA GNI, GNP,.

GNI per capita based on purchasing power parity (PPP). PPP GNI is gross national income (GNI) converted to international dollars using purchasing power parity rates.
What is GNP Per Capita - The Q&A wiki
This article includes four lists of countries of the world sorted by their gross domestic product per capita at nominal values, the value of all final goods and
GNI per capita (formerly GNP per capita) is the gross national income, converted to U.S. dollars using the World Bank Atlas method, divided by the midyear population.
Long-term real growth in US GDP per.
INB per cápita, método Atlas (US$ a.
GNI per capita, PPP (current. GDP per Capita Us 2011
List of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita.
New graph I created looking at long-term growth of US GDP per capita, very similar to my earlier graph of US GDP. Will post log version later this week.
us per capita gnp 2009
This article includes several lists of countries by gross domestic product at purchasing power parity per capita, the value of all final goods and services producedEl INB per cápita (anteriormente PIB per cápita) es el ingreso nacional bruto convertido a dólares de los Estados Unidos mediante el método Atlas del Banco
GLOBAL/WORLD INCOME PER CAPITA 2010, 2009, 2008, GNI, GDP, GNP, Wealth, Rich Country Ranking, Rank, Developing Countries : Finfacts Ireland